Become a SPONSOR

Help us make EuRuKo 2024 more affordable for our community.

What is Euruko?

EuRuKo (European Ruby Konferenz) is the largest and longest running annual Ruby conference in Europe that brings you all the good news about Ruby and its friends. Every year it takes place in a different European city, the location being chosen by participants.

Info about EuRuKo

  • Anticipating 700 in-person participants from Europe and beyond.
  • A three-day conference scheduled for 2024 with multiple tracks.
  • A long-standing event within the community, spanning from 2003 and hosted various cities such as Amsterdam, Athens, Barcelona, Berlin, Budapest, Karlsruhe, Krakow, Munich, Prague, Rotterdam, Salzburg, Sofia, Helsinki, Vilnius and Vienna.
  • Featuring some of the most esteemed speakers from the Ruby community.
  • All presentations will be recorded and subsequently published.

Keep EuRuKo affordable

There's a long tradition to keep EuRuKo tickets as affordable as possible to offer everyone the opportunity to attend and sponsors are an essential part of this.

Good for your company, good for the community

Sponsoring EuRuKo gets you the opportunity to reach an international group of talented and passionate developers. EuRuKo is the biggest gathering of Ruby enthusiasts in Europe and one of the biggest in the world.

Are you looking to hire Ruby (and not just Ruby!) developers in your company or initiative? Then you've probably looked into hiring a headhunter to find you the talent that you need. And you saw how much it costs. Most headhunters are looking for half a years' salary! By sponsoring EuRuKo, you're not only investing a fraction of the price of a headhunter, but you're getting to meet enthusiastic developers in the flesh, and by the numbers!

The above goes without saying how you'd contribute to a lively Ruby community from around Europe (and the world)!

Sponsorship packages

Classic/Booth packages:

Bronze Classic Silver Classic Gold Classic Ruby Classic
Availability unlimited (booth availability limited) limited limited limited
Included tickets 1 3 6 12
10% discount on up to 10 additional regular tickets
Conference Booth +1000€ (small) (small) (medium) (large)
Roll-up banner in sponsors hall (if you buy a booth) (+next to main stage)
Dedicated Discord Channel +€500 +€500
Conference pack inserts (provided by sponsors) +€500 (1 small) (1 small) (1 small, 1medium) (3 small-large)
Logo on home page (small) (small) (medium+description) (large+description)
Logo on screen during breaks & between talks +500€ (small) (small) (medium) (large)
Logo in all videos & conference emails footer +500€ (small) (small) (medium) (large)
Social media promotion (from @euruko) (shared) (shared+once) (shared+2 times) (shared+3 times)
Job ads (website, discord, networking platform) 1 job, 200 chars 2 jobs, 200 chars 3 jobs, 200 chars 5 jobs, 600 chars
Price €3,000 €5,000 €8,000 €12,000

VAT is not included. Equipment & banners will be provided by the sponsors.

Online packages:

Bronze Online Silver Online Gold Online Ruby Online
Availability unlimited unlimited unlimited ullimited
10% discount on up to 10 additional regular tickets
Logo on home page (small) (small) (small) (medium+description)
Logo on screen during breaks & between talks +500€ (small) +500€ (small) (small) (medium)
Logo in all videos & conference emails footer +500€ (small) +500€ (small) (small) (medium)
Social media promotion (from @euruko) (shared) (shared) (shared+once) (shared+2 times)
Optional add-ons
Job ads (website, discord, networking platform) - (optional) +€500 (1 job, 200 chars) 1 job, 200 chars 2 jobs, 200 chars 3 jobs, 600 chars
Included tickets (optional) 1 1 2 4
Dedicated Discord Channel (optional) +€500 +€500
Price €1,000 €2,000 €4,000 €6,000

VAT is not included. Equipment & banners will be provided by the sponsors.

Other sponsorship packages:

Price Availability Logo on Website Social media promotion (from @euruko) Accouncement at the venue Included tickets
1 x Lunch (calculated on basis of 700 participants) €12000 3 (shared+once) 1+
1 x Coffee Break (calculated on basis of 700 participants) €6000 3 (shared+once) 1+
(Any) Speaker Travel & Accommodation €500+ unlimited (travel sponsor) (shared) 1+
T-Shirt & Goodies €5000 4 (goodies sponsor) (shared) 1+
Anonymous support €500+ unlimited 1+
Party & Drinks €12000 2 (party & drinks sponsor) (shared+once) 1+

Payment options

Sponsorships can be paid for by SEPA or SWIFT bank transfer.

Download Packages