Piotr Szotkowski

Talk: Simplify, Then Add Lightness

Senior Staff Developer at Shopify

Simplify, Then Add Lightness

With ZIRP behind us smaller teams often need to deliver leaner solutions – and projects like LiteStack are there to help. Meanwhile even the smallest dependencies keep getting new features (and Ruby keeps getting significantly more performant) – so let’s see how to keep the stack simple and cutting-edge.

Let’s take a look at how simple modern stacks can be – from sending HTML snippets over WebSocket to operating job queues in SQLite. Full-stack development in Ruby means quicker turn-around and simpler deploys – and paired with a well-thought-out approach to keeping all the dependencies fresh, the maintenance part of our life can be both much easier and actually enjoyable.

This talk covers the current shift in web development reality and the trend towards a (most welcome) simplification of the tools we work with. The experience with running multiple codebases (including the biggest Ruby monolith) on the most recent version of Ruby and Rails’ main branch shows this, too, is actually doable.


Piotr started dabbling in Ruby 18 years ago, initially for his PhD thesis and later in his work as an assistant professor at Warsaw University of Technology. Currently Piotr works as a senior staff developer at Shopify, speaks at various Ruby conferences and co-maintains Bogus and Reek gems.