Marco Roth

Talk: Leveling Up Developer Tooling For The Modern Rails & Hotwire Era

Independent Consultant & Open Source Contributor

Leveling Up Developer Tooling For The Modern Rails & Hotwire Era

The evolution of developer experience (DX) tooling has been a game-changer in how we build, debug, and enhance web applications.

This talk aims to illuminate the path toward enriching the Ruby on Rails ecosystem with advanced DX tools, focusing on the implementation of Language Server Protocols (LSP) for Stimulus and Turbo.

Drawing inspiration from the rapid advancements in JavaScript tooling, we explore the horizon of possibilities for Rails developers, including how advanced browser extensions and tools specifically designed for the Hotwire ecosystem can level up your developer experience.


Marco is a passionate full-stack developer and a dedicated open-source contributor. As a member of the Hotwire and StimulusReflex contributors teams he has open-sourced, maintained, and contributed to several libraries in the Hotwire/Rails ecosystem.