Kasper Timm Hansen

Talk: How to Break into Reading Open Source

Former Rails core (2016-2022), now Rails consulting.

How to Break into Reading Open Source

There's a treasure trove of code that you could learn from hiding in plain sight: Open Source.

By reading other people's code you can pick up new tricks, names, and concepts — and apply them to your code. You can even be exposed to things you'd never think of.

My journey reading Open Source for the hell of it started back in 2013, when I set out to read all of Rails as a Google Summer of Code student.

Join this session to see how I've grown my skills through reading and have the process demystified so you can too. You'll walk away knowing how to start breaking into even the gnarliest codebases.


Kasper is a Rails consultant with a strong focus on proper Domain Modeling using his riffing approach. He was on the Rails core team for 6 years where he contributed several major features & reviewed & merged over 1000 contributor PRs. Kasper's still involved in Open Source with his own gems that take Rails further.