Igor Jancev

Talk: Patterns and solutions distilled from 10 years development and maintenance of a big campus software ruby on rails application

Patterns and solutions distilled from 10 years development and maintenance of a big campus software ruby on rails application

Did you know that the campus software of the Technical University in Vienna is powered by a >380.000 LOC Ruby on Rails application that was started in 2011?A senior Ruby developer from the team shares patterns and solutions distilled from 10 years of development, maintenance and upgrades.

We all know Ruby and Rails are great tools for startups and fast development of new applications. But did you know that the campus software of the Technical University in Vienna is powered by a >380.000 LOC Ruby on Rails application that was started in 2011 and is actively developed and maintained by a small, dedicated team of Ruby developers ever since?

A senior Ruby developer from this team shares patterns and solutions distilled from more than 10 years of his work on this project, for example how the team gradually migrated the Rails application from Rails 2.3 to Rails 6.1 and Hotwire Turbo, how a big amount of data is kept in sync between the rails applications and many other applications at the university, how to make big changes to the code base without upsetting all users, and much more.


Igor is a software engineer and CEO of MasteryBits AB. He was born in Sarajevo and came to Austria as a refugee in 1993. In 1999 he graduated in computer science at the Technical University in Vienna. After working as a Java developer and architect for more than 10 years, he discovered and fell in love with Ruby and Ruby on Rails and that made him quit his job as a Java architect and go all in on Ruby. In 2013 he comes back to the Technical University in Vienna to help upgrade and modernize a huge (now > 380.000 LOC) campus software application written in Ruby on Rails. Nowadays, he works with his wife on an innovative and easy to use knowledge management application.